Part 69: The Throne of the Hegemon

Hello everyone and welcome back and... is that Dawn?

We're hot on the trail of Reukra, and it looks like he's been tearing through The Timeless.

I'm gonna be cutting out a lot of the trip, because it's still the same terrain from the 47th update.


The screen flashes and shakes.

That's probably not good.

Anyway, it's a Salamence against Cirno. Just guess how this goes.

There's a couple AZURE FLUTE EMERGENCY DEFENSE SYSTEM trainers that pop up. My guess is that they're meant to stop someone from using it and Amy is accidentally helping Reukra while trying to stop him.

I'd say you could make an educated guess about what's going on, but the game all but spells it out for you. Reukra has the Azure Flute and is using it.

Farther in we find Suzerain.

A few areas later, Steven is hanging out.

In the Pokemon Village, we can use our flying carpet to get a new item.

Mega Chatot has the Amplifier (Sound-based moves deal 1.5x damage) ability, and 147 base SpAtk. It's still Normal/Flying, but... damn. That's one hell of a combination.

The Unknown Dungeon is the area right after Pokemon Village.

Again, this goes like you imagine it would.

Pokemon Tower, floor 2.

A Gothitelle, really?

It mega evolves, but...

My team is extremely badass at this point.

Moltres is behind that Relic Song wall. I don't even bother going to look at it. I didn't catch either of its buddies, and we've got more important things to worry about at the moment.

Cynthia is just past the wall.

The Giant Chasm is so deep in the Void Gauntlet that I had completely forgotten about this rock climb wall.

Uh... thanks. We can't get Kyurem in the version that the LP is playing on. It was supposed to spawn on Victory Road after we defeated Taen, but due to a bug it doesn't. There's a patch on the Insurgence Discord to fix it, but that same patch also breaks Delta Ditto's ability to breed with Delta Species.

The Hall of Legends, where we're currently at, is right next to where we fought Nyx.

Two legendaries at once are waking up.

Naturally it's the Diamond and Peal cover legendaries.

Cirno one shots Palkia...

Dialga one shots Cirno...

And then Mega Aragog one shots Dialga!

I also have a large stockpile of rare candies just because I found a bunch across the game. So I raise everyone to Aragog's level.

While we're here, because we're never coming back...

Let's go kick Reukra's ass up and down the block.

By the way, this scene is laggy as fuck thanks to the gigantic particle effect above Reukra.

Let's be honest here, the Original Dragon was all Taen, and the dude is incompetent as hell.

So apparently the Whirl Islands we explored much earlier in the LP are just straight up the Johto Whirl Islands.

It's kinda my job.

Reukra is much the same as he was in the championship fight. The only thing to watch out for is Delta Goodra, otherwise, it's just a straight up duel.
So let's get some appropriate music...
Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad (Final Tier)

Armored Tyranitar vs ScubaSteve!

Sadly Centaurion isn't here to put down pretenders, so Steve will have to do instead.

You sent out your Bisharp, mega evolved it, and then used a Max Revive? Why? For that matter how!?

Steve, by the way, one shot it.

Tyranitar comes back out and...

Down it goes once again. This time for good.

This really isn't a good pick, but for some reason my team doesn't have a grass move.

Yiiikes. Goodra dealt half of Glory's health through Multiscale.

So I think a single buff was enough.

This poor Noivern is about to enter a world of pain.

Cirno took a little under half her health in damage, and in return the Noivern took a 4x hit from her Ice Beam.

And at 110, she's far from the strongest thing on my team.

Dark Mewtwo vs Aragog, round 2!

Dark Mewtwo should have hit a little harder.

Delta Volcarona vs Aragog, round 2!

It actually survives the hit this time, and then takes out Aragog with Giga Drain.

Ramses is here to pick up the slack!

Reukra just delayed our victory by a single turn.

Because Gale Wings is a wonderful ability.

Arceus Battle

Either he missed or Arceus just no-sold that Master Ball.

And then it flung him aside like he was a pair of old socks.

Oh hell...

Primal Arceus is Normal/Dragon type, and its ability is Ancient Presence. According to the wiki, it... "User moves ignore most weaknesses, resistances and immunities."
All moves used will not deal "Not very effective" damage, or deal less than 1x damage via Pokemon type resistance. This ability also allows some moves that otherwise wouldn't hit a Pokemon due to having a type immunity to hit for full damage. Though, this comes at the downside of doing normal damage when otherwise the user would have done double or quadruple damage from "Super effective" damage.
Oh and its stats jump up to 820BST.

In short... fuck that.

Welp, now I'm completely out of Master Balls. And the game doesn't give you more than 3 unless you abuse the Sonata City Races.

And that's all five cults permanently dismantled! We've finished the postgame story for Pokemon Insurgence!

I don't have anything else recorded. This LP is technically complete now. So instead I'm going to take reasonable requests for the final update(s).
First off...
Defeat the Timeless
Explore the Holon Region
The Original Dragon
Relic Song
The Magma Stone
Cured Damian
The Parcel
Rescued Audrey
Subjugated Arceus
All postgame sidequests complete!
So, here's a list of things I can possibly show off...
- Find Thundurus
- Find Tornadus
- Find Landorus
- Find Mewtwo
- Catch Delta Larvesta
- Find Entei
- Find Raikou
- Find Suicune
- Find Ho-Oh
- Finish the trade sequence (Find Genesect)
- Challenge the Elite Four Rematch
And if we defeat the Elite Four a second time, seven more legendaries become available to capture, plus the devs can then be challenged. I don't particularly want to re-challenge the Elite Four, but I am willing to.
So thread, what's it gonna be?